KRAMPUS – Greetings! Gruss Vom Krampus Candles are a Yule Favorite

KRAMPUS – Gruss Vom Krampus (meaning Greetings from Krampus) Candles are a Yule Favorite at White Magick Alchemy!
European folklore tells of the Krampus, Nikolaus’s dark servant. As Nikolaus went door to door doling out gifts and treats during Yule to those who had been on their good behavior throughout the year, those who behaved poorly were dealt with by the Krampus, the horned supernatural beast who’s long slithering tongue frightened misbehavers and creeps.
Krampus terrorized the mischievous until they promised to be good. Some he spanked, others he whipped. And some he shackled, stuffed into his large wooden basket, carted away, and hurled them into the flames of hell.
Our handmade KRAMPUS Candles are the first of their kind and have been a part of the White Magick Alchemy line-up of Holiday Candles for over 5 years now. Our Original Krampus Candles make for fun gifts for the misbehaviors in your life, embracing old world folklore serving as a reminder that it is always better to be good than naughty and nasty.
Say a prayer for the evil-doers in your life, lighting their way to enlightenment. Or maybe just give a Krampus pillar candle to someone who needs to be reminded that sending good positive energy into the universe is the best way to go! And bad, well bad…. is just plain bad. No one wants Krampus to pay them a visit.
Our KRAMPUS Candles are sensed with otherworldly essences of Amber, Sandalwood and Dragons Blood and are blood red. Check out our candles here:
Yule Blessings ~
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