Crystal Shows on the White Magick Alchemy Facebook Page

Purchasing Crystals on the White Magick Alchemy Facebook Page
We are kicking off the season with more Crystal Shows! Tons of amazing pieces will be offered for immediate sale right on our Facebook Page. If you’ve never purchased crystals and gems on our Facebook Page before, read below on how it works!
PURCHASING CRYSTALS AND GEMSTONES on the White Magick Alchemy Facebook Page – How it Works:
1) We’ll post up a photo and description about the crystal(s) up for sale, the price(s), the size(s), and a brief description of the crystal/gemstone.
2) Want the crystal posted? In the comment thread box type “SOLD” in caps. When you type SOLD in the comments section, this represents your commitment to purchase the item in the post. The first person to type SOLD in the comment box gets the item. Please be sure before posting SOLD in the thread, that you want the crystal before claiming it, as there are others that may want the piece too.
3) Immediately upon “claiming” your crystal/gemstone(s) by putting SOLD in the post, email us immediately at and include your billing and shipping information. We’ll need your Full Name, complete Ship To Address and your Paypal Email address. Shortly after, we will email you a Paypal Invoice for your purchase which is due immediately upon receipt.
If you claim and mark SOLD in a thread for a crystal and your email is not received within 5 mins, your crystal/gemstone will be available for purchase to the next person whole typed SOLD in the tread. We will not hold crystals for more than 5 mins under any circumstances. If you claim a crystal and decide not follow through, we kindly ask that you follow up with a post in the thread letting others know that you do not want the piece so that they can see in the thread that the item has now become available and will have a chance at purchasing the crystal. Please, don’t post SOLD if you think you might want it or you don’t because other people really want some of these pieces, perhaps the one you just claimed. Its just not fair to the other people or to us, to claim a piece, tie up the whole process, and upset others who are serious about a particular piece that they feel a connection to.
You will receive an email shortly which will contain a Paypal Invoice for your crystal purchase. Check your email invoice frequently for the Invoice. We kindly ask that you finalize payment upon receipt, within 5 to 10 minutes. If your invoice is not paid immediately, your crystal/gemstone(s) will not be held for you and they will be re-posted to our White Magick Alchemy Facebook Page for someone else to purchase or sold to the second person who posted SOLD to the thread.
If we are doing a number of posts that day/evening and something else comes up that you wish to add to your previously paid Invoice, we will combine shipping for you on any additional purchases/invoices. Do not wait to pay to combine all of your purchases into one final invoice. If Invoices are not paid within 10 mins or you have disappeared from cyber-space, your crystal/gemstone(s) will be relisted and will be available for someone else to purchase.
* We will not hold any crystal/gemstone(s) under any circumstances.
* DO NOT EMAIL or send a Facebook Message that you want a specific crystal. Sending an email does not insure your claim on your crystal. You MUST POST IN THE TREAD that you want it by typing “SOLD” in the post. This makes the whole process move more efficiently and allows everyone to see what has been claimed, what is available, and also gives everyone a fair chance to purchase the crystal/gemstone(s) that they really want.
*If you want a crystal/gemstone(s), it is advisable that you “claim” it as soon as possible by marking “SOLD” in the thread and finalize the transaction upon receipt and as soon as possible, as when these get posted, in some cases, I’ve seen a whole lot of crystals sell out within 30 seconds.
Upon receipt of your finalized invoice, your crystal/gemstones(s) will ship within 1 to 3 days. All crystal/gemstones(s) are shipped USPS Priority Mail to insure prompt and safe delivery to you.
Insurance will be added to your order as well. If your crystal/gemstone(s) arrive to you damaged or broken, please notify us immediately within 48 hours so that we can provide tracking information to file your claim with USPS. White Magick Alchemy will not file any Damage Claims with USPS on your behalf and we are not responsible for any damages or reimbursements regarding damaged or broken items. Any reimbursements for damaged or broken items will be handled by you, through USPS. All sales are final when you purchase any of our White Magick Alchemy products, crystal and gemstone items.
All sales are final. We do not accept any returns. Exceptions may be made for higher priced crystal/gemstone(s) depending upon the circumstances. A 20% Restocking Fee will be imposed for any Authorized Returns. Refused shipments will not be accepted.
Are you on our Emailing List? If not, you should be!
Its the best way to find out about the upcoming 2016 Crystal Shows and also get Discount Coupon Codes to use at
So head over to and sign up on our emailing list! You’ll immediately receive a 10% Discount Coupon Code to use now or to save for later. Top right on the homepage, where it says “Get 10% OFF TODAY”… click that button, thats how you join our Emailing List.
Well, there ya go! We are so looking forward to bringing back our Crystal Shows. We have a lot of NEW items to show you too ~ And we will post to Facebook about the times and dates so please, hop over to our Facebook Page and LIKE us today!~ Just follow this link:
A special Thank You to all of our wonderful friends and customers who have purchased from us on Facebook over the years. You guys are amazing and we’re so blessed to have you all here appreciating these magical crystals and gems, and sharing in the wonder of nature’s ancient relics, together.
A Kaleidoscope of Crystals and Gemstones Await! ~
To see our handmade candles and magical offerings, visit White Magick Alchemy ~
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