Hail the Fires of Beltane!

Hail the Fires of Beltane!
Have you ever heard of the Nine Sacred Woods of Beltane? Alder, Ash, Birch, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Oak, Rowan, Willow. You can also substitute one of the Nine Woods with Apple, Fir, Grape Vine or Sandalwood. White Magick Alchemy’s Fires of Beltane Casting Herbs contain all of the Nine Sacred Woods and more.
Beltane, celebrated May 1st kicks off the merry month of May! This fire festival is celebrated with bonfires, feasting, dancing around the Maypole and lots of sexual energy. I love fire festivals, Beltane being one of my favorites, and I loved the idea of creating a Casting Herbal blend with woods and flowers indicative to the Beltane holiday (also known as Mayday), to throw right into the bonfire as a personal offering. Thats when my Fires of Beltane Casting Herbs were born.
My original Casting Herbs were crafted back in 2014 with my very first batch that I made as an offering to be cast into our Beltane bonfire. It was a magical night! We had several friends over to celebrate Beltane with us (approx 120), many of whom didn’t even know the meaning of Beltane. In my big wooden bowl I created this magical blending of beautiful sacred woods, loving herbs and spring flowers and it was absolutely amazing gorgeous. I carefully blessed and charged the blend under the moon on our outdoor altar with Carnelian, Quartz, Garnet, Moonstone, Smokey and Rose Quartz. Enough for all of our guests to grab a handful to cast into the bonfire. It was a wonderful way for us to get everyone involved to celebrate and learn maybe just a little more about this fire festival, a time of sacred sexuality and fertility. And believe me, they did. 😉 All these years later, friends inquire about the next Beltane Party.
My Fires of Beltane Sacred Smudging and Casting Herbs, available at White Magick Alchemy, is my fiery witch-blessed blend of Nine Sacred Woods, Calendula, Mugwort and Rose – Use as a smudge to prepare and clear your sacred space for divination workings, protection, cleansing and purification. Cast the herbs into your Beltane bonfire as an offering to the Goddess and God, as a personal offering, marking renewal and growth, and as pledge for a abundance and a bountiful harvest ahead.
For me, the best part about Beltane is the bonfire. Carefully prepared, the lighting of bonfires begin the eve before Beltane and continue throughout the night and into the next day. The Beltane bonfire represents the return of the light as the days begin to lengthen and summer begins its journey upon the earth. And if you haven’t had too many cocktails, you may decide to jump the bonfire. By passing your body over the smoke and over the bonfire, you are performing a renewal purification rite. You may wish to chant and speak an intent either while jumping the bonfire or casting herbs the Fires of Beltane Casting Herbs into the flames.
I offer my Casting Herbs in small and abundant quantities in the shop. I also prepare Casting Herbs for all of the Pagan Holidays and Sabbats – http://bit.ly/1MRxWdP
Beltane Blessings!
Ocean side bonfire – White Magick Alchemy is located on the west coast in beautiful Sonoma County, California.
Visit our magical website here: http://www.whitemagickalchemy.com
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