Holiday Crystal Rock Shows at White Magick Alchemy – 2014

Crystal Shows will be returning to the White Magick Alchemy Facebook Page for the 2014 holiday season this year. We have been secretly shopping with our crystal vendors for months now and are in the process of photographing all the crystals and gemstones, writing the descriptions, etc.
We had a show last Sunday and are planning several more during the end of 2014 and beyond. We hope you will join us on our Facebook Page where we will be offering beautiful premium crystals and gemstones (natures ancient relics) at below retail prices. Pieces and prices range but essentially prices are about 20% to 30% off retail prices.
All of the crystals and gemstones we offer for sale either on our sites or shows are hand picked by both Casey and I. We don’t buy in bulk so we don’t know what we’re buying. Each piece is critiqued by hand to insure that each specific piece is absolutely magical. You can learn more about the buying process for our Facebook Crystal Shows here on our blog: Learn more.
Please join our emailing list on the White Magick Alchemy website, to receive notifications of upcoming crystal rock shows. And don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook too!~ click here
Crystal Blessings ~
Pictured: Smokey Quartz
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