Lemurian Seed Crystals ~ Record Keepers of Ancient Lore

About Lemurian Seed Crystals ~
Folklore tells us Lemuria was a peaceful and highly developed spiritual civilization believed to exist on earth over 12 million years ago. During the last days of Lemuria, it was decided to plant seed crystals programmed to transmit a message of oneness.
Having seeded the crystals, the Lemurians, it is believed, left this planet for other star systems. Others went into inner earth while maintaining telepathic connection with those in other parts of the galaxy, where they continue to care for the earth and the seed crystals now surfacing.
Lemurian Seed Crystals, also known as Record Keeper Crystals are specifically used in spiritual healing when the entire organism is out of balance with itself. They are used to bring a sense of oneness to a person suffering from feelings of disjointedness or detachment. When life seems to be swirling around someone, and they seem to be lost in the whirlwind, use a Lemurian Seed Crystal in the healing process.
Lemurian consciousness was much more centered upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions than our current mentally-based modern world. Their deeper connection to their heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the divine and each other. It also enabled them to maintain a deeper sense of connection to the Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation.
Lemurian Crystals have been programed with this consciousness of love and connection and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls. These crystals are coded and programmed with the Lemurian consciousness vibrations. When working with these crystals, one can infuse the soul with the pure emotional, intuitive and spiritual awareness of the ancient Lemurians.
Lumurian Crystals also enhance meditations and healing work. They have a particular structure that allows one to climb up through the crown for astral travel. Also, communication with one’s guides and angels is greatly enhanced. The crystals elicit feelings of unconditional love and one may experience healing in the emotional body. One may feel a return to the soul, a feeling of increased sensuality, and a feminine energy and enhance greatly one’s abilities in channeling and telepathy.
These unique crystals appear to have been carved by a human hand as they have horizontal grooves or striations across their naturally faceted faces, but actually they are not. These are the way Lemurian Seed Crystals grow naturally. Mystical gifts from a highly evolved civilization. the Lemurian Crystals offer all who dare to truly remember who they are, a heightened sense of awareness, expanded consciousness, opening to thee Angelic Realm and ultimately the cosmos beyond our knowing.
Click here to view beautifully polished and natural Lemurian Seed Crystals… they are also available at http://www.whitemagickalchemy.com
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