New Studio for White Magick Alchemy in the Grove

Its official! White Magick Alchemy has a new home in Penngrove California! After 5 years witch crafting and working from my home studio, I woke up on the morning of Monday, March 3rd, and decided it was time to find a new home away from home for White Magick Alchemy. At the end of that afternoon after looking at 4 places, we already knew where we were heading… Penngrove.
Our new private studio is located right on Main Street in downtown Penngrove. Unfortunately, we won’t be open to the public or have a retail area, but are thinking about opening to the public a few days out of the month and allow folks to come in, meet us, purchase our offerings, sell off a few candle seconds, and see and learn about what we do. The neighbors have been so nice too, welcoming us into this small, historical downtown strip. A lot of people are talking about White Magick Alchemy’s presence in the neighborhood and say we are a “perfect fit” for Penngrove’s atmosphere. I mean, its not everyday a town is delighted to have a witch, her witch-lets and a atelier on the main drag right?
Its been almost 4 weeks and did you know that there is like so much to do when you move? I’ve spent the last month scheduling all the upgrades, painting, alarms, etc. Then the BIG MOVE was last weekend. Sydni and Jessica were so excited when they found out we were moving from the house to this new space and immediately took the lead to initiate a major organization plan which was efficiently executed. The space is perfect! We painted it in deep garnet, dark beiges and of course, black. Now we just need to add some artwork, my altar space needs to be put together, and then a few finishing touches. Theres’s a magical out of doors space in the back that my neighbor Jen, owner at Valkerie Tattoo, has offered to share. The building backs to its own private hill complete with a barn for extra storage. We also need to figure out a way to get the Rosie and Gracie Show down there too (our Maine Coons), because they are very much a part of that magick and love you feel when you open up your packages. And Rosie double checks the orders too, so yeah, we gotta get them kitties down there! 🙂 We miss them too, terribly… and its only been 3 days. Animals are welcome at our new studio too!~
Already the energy is shifting in this new positive direction. We moved in on Ostara, the Spring Equinox, which is all about new beginnings, new energy, growth and renewal. With the main studio being away from our home now, I can quietly focus on creating new candles and offerings, photographing a ton of new items I’ve been needing make to list up (you wouldn’t believe the journals and books I have filled with new fresh ideas) and taking more personal time for myself and my family. Casey and I are going to now transform the studio into a new studio, complete with a music room. The space will also be used for witchcrafts and shipping our crystals that are available on our White Magick Crystals website http://www.whitemagickcrystals,com.
We are pretty much all settled in now and will be hosting an Open House in the coming weeks. I will post in our blog here and on Facebook, the date and time so that those folks close-by who want to come to our Open House can 🙂 We would love to meet you so if you’re in the area, hopefully you’ll be able to stop by!
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