Ostara Candles – Vigil Lights for Spring Equinox Magic

Ostara is the sabbat with the rabbit!~
Ostara, also known as the Vernal or Spring Equinox, celebrates the birth of spring, as the appearance of spring blossoms begin to hail life stirring within the Mother Earth after a long winter.
Celebrated in March in the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara is the time to embrace new beginnings, hopes, and new relationships. The festival of Eostre (pronounced EES-tra), the lighthearted Anglo-Saxon Goddess, invokes the balance between light days and dark nights. Associated with the Christian Easter holiday, which was modeled after the Pagan celebration, Ostara is known as a time of fertility, abundance, and the birth of new spring animals such as lambs and rabbits.
On this sacred day, witches light new fires at sunrise and rejoice as the festivities begin. Old World Pagan traditions include the ringing of bells, decorating hard-boiled eggs in an array of colorful spring colors, and blessing seeds for spring plantings.
Here at White Magick Alchemy we are always making new sabbat candle offerings. Our Ostara Vigil Lights Candles are hand poured and witch blessed, each candle drenched with spring flowers symbolic to Ostara, renewal and the the appearance of spring. Each Vigil Lights candle burns approx 120 hours. Made from all natural wax, natural botanicals and pure cotton wick, free from harmful additives, animal and poly based products. Perfect for ritual use. You might also want to add a corresponding spell ritual oil to strengthen you in your magical workings. I am making a beautiful Ostara Violet Crystal Petals Oil for Ostara 2017, created with essences of fertility, abundance, rebirth and new beginnings.
My Vigil Lights Ritual Candles are safely poured into a glass jar and are meant to be burned continuously or for extended periods of time, thus earning them name “Vigil Lights. They can be extinguished and relit daily as safety reminds is to never leave burning candles unattended.
Click this link to see our Ostara Vigil Lights Candles and other handmade candles ~ Click Here
We hope you enjoy the many enchanting offerings we have available for Ostara 2017!
Many blessings,
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